时光是琥珀 泪一滴滴被反锁
情书再不朽 也磨成沙漏
青春的上游 白云飞走苍狗与海鸥 闪过的念头
命运好幽默 让爱的人都沉默
一整个宇宙 换一颗红豆
回忆如困兽 寂寞太久而渐渐温柔
放开了拳头 反而更自由
慢动作 缱绻胶卷 重播默片
定格一瞬间 我们在
告别的演唱会 说好不再见
你写给我 我的第一首歌
你和我 十指紧扣 默写前奏
可是那然后呢 还好我有
我这一首情歌 轻轻的 轻轻哼着 哭着笑着
我的 天长地久
长镜头 越拉越远 越来越远
我们在 怀念的演唱会
礼貌的吻别 陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌
舍不得 短短副歌 心还热着
也该告一段落 还好我有
我下一首情歌 生命宛如
静静的 相拥的河 永远
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Posted by Miss Q at 11:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
阴影还在, 画面还在出现, 突然而然的出现。 该怎样呢??
过去真的很难忘记, 偶尔会好像剪不掉的片段出浮现在脑海里让人呆, 让人醒。
很想逃因为只希望快乐的画面印烙在脑海里, 可真的好少。
今天, 恐怖的画面又在出现, 头真的很疼,它依然存在脑的一部份里,我很想告诉任何一个人,找
不到听众, 真的还好有部落格。。。。。
今天终于学会不再掉泪, 觉得最近都好倒霉,甚至觉得天在玩弄认似的, 被搁在一个只能依靠自己的组里, 没办法, 听天由命啦。。。。。。。。。
妈说过, 做人该懂得“忍”,
我要做“忍者” !!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Miss Q at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Good Bye
We ll alwiz be wif you no matter how far u are.
We ll never never ever forget u, no matter where u are, u ll stay inside our memory forever.
We ll stay happily for ur sake too as we know tat s wat u want us to be
We ll try our best to fufill ur wishes
Take Care up there and see u there.............
Good Bye forever
Posted by Miss Q at 1:35 AM 0 comments
真的没想过, 人生可以那样的短暂, 出乎意料, 它可以如此的垂落。就在昨天, 她终于抵挡不过癌的攻击辞世了。 她离开了世界, 离开了亲人还有离开了她的身躯. 爷爷带她走了吧, 可姑姑可需要白头人送黑头人很伤心吧。 短短的三十多年结束了, 再也不会看到她了. 最遗憾的没如看不到她最后的笑容, 因为她是带着痛苦离开的 : 化疗的痛, 针刺的痛, 还有病痛陪她走了. 入土的是瘦瘦苍白的她, 还有不甘的她. 为何癌细胞会选择了她, 可一切都迟了,不能够再回头了. (是命运)
命中注定, 我们不能改变. 该发生的事终究会发生, 要怎样改变呢???
改变不了, 可我们要学会去避免。
健康是时间, 是金钱, 是成功, 是一切。 因为没了健康, 我们会少了时间去赚钱, 去成功甚至去努力。 日常生活中, 我们最需要的用品是健康的身体才能完成一切。 人生虽然说没有长生不老, 但是也少不了活到老, 健康到老。 上天赐的, 我们该去珍惜,去把握。 人的生命一点也不草率,只要会活,活的精彩,努力度过每天,哪怕没了明天。
可以任命, 但千万别认输
Posted by Miss Q at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Trip and visit
Juz back from a two days Port Dickson and Malacca trip. Supposely, i ll be tired and very excited after de trip but after visiting her, no more laughter no more excitement mood.
She is getting weaker and weaker, i think no one else can save her except miracle that most prob not appear we juz waiting for the time to take her away.
God plssss god i beg u plsss dont torture her plsss.....
U can either take her life away or let her stay healtily plsssss, make a decision now plsss...........
She s cold sometimes hot, sometimes weak and sometimes painnnnnnn. Is pain to see her in tat condition, plsss God i noe there s no one can save her life juz let her go reduce her pain plssss..... I noe U r busyin blessin and lookin others but plss take sumtime to look after her juz a decision can let her avoid the painess of Cancer plsss help her...................
Posted by Miss Q at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Finally. it s over and i m free now to read my eclipse my HArry Potter and study my JApanese. Wow feel so relieve as i can rest for an empty scedule week (oops almost forgot my PD trip ahahha). Really really hope there will be a much more happier new semester but till now there s no hope for that so juz wait and see. I really dunno how to solve this kind of relation and then i rather not to solve it since it should be solven not juz by me. LET IT BE!!!!!
I m hungry now stuck in my super lousy college after my exam waitin for other candidates to be done and back with them by bus after that with KTM. That s life, MY LIFE now.
I hav three wishes in my new semester
1st A new CAR hopefully i can get it not really hv to be very nice, but juz make sure that it wont break down eaasily and really really can save petrol. NOT EXPENSIVE at all.
2nd i wish to shop for my new semester CLOTHES, but really hav financial problem now as i goin to broke ahahhaha
3rd wishes is to hav a group members which is fix and i can co operate with them well ahahahha as i not so good in Social Skill.
Can i wish for one more plssss??????
oh yes u can ( getting mad )
I wish i can live peacefully and end my college life faster.................
Guan Yin niang niang plsss help me !!!!!!!!
Posted by Miss Q at 1:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
人生有选择吗???? 到了临死关头, 别无选择了, 为何没有长生不老呢???? 生命的可贵, 我到了现在才发现, 可对我而言, 我发现的早, 还有时间挽留, 还没成了遗憾. 还记得老陈的辩论比赛, 当时我在想长生不老, 是不应该, 人不该贪生怕死, 因为还有更多的小生命能有机会目睹这世界.
可我终于了解到, 它的重要.
并不是害怕死, 而是怕遗憾, 长生不老, 能挽留很多很多的遗憾. 人生中的缺陷, 也能就此被缝补.
我很害怕, 当我想挽留的时候太迟, 不是因为当时不懂的珍惜, 而是没有多出的两个小时让我们去珍惜, 到最后成为了遗憾, 已经太迟了.
从前的我, 觉得人生只不过是场梦, 可它不该是梦, 事实上也不是一常梦. 因为梦一旦醒了, 一切也许还在, 人生结束了, 一切都会没了, 没的挽留, 没的回头, 没的重演, 没的重梦.
人能珍惜多少, 能有多少, 明天事明天懂, 也许就在明天意外发生, 一切结束了.
所以, 从头到尾, 我们就没了选择,因为命的长短, 全都由死神判断.
Posted by Miss Q at 7:27 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
dy so sorry i cant make it to ur mum s funeral, but really hope u r fine now, i sent msgs to u but i cant get ur replies, hope u really ok, i know it is a hard time for u, but i really really reall really hope u ll be fine, i dunno wat else i can say, muz take care of ur health plssss, u still have a lot of works to do ur dream to go.... u r strong i noe tat, keep up ur mum ll bless u, she loves u no matter where she is, she just went far far away to a happyland sorry, really sorry, i hope i can be there with u to at the funeral, i hope i can listen to u too, i wan u be happy be fine, and stay strong, i m ur jie so plsss listen to me k?
all the while i juz can say so, i m useless to u either, but i really hope u r good sorry for not attending the funeral really sorry i really want to go but i cant sorry reallly sorry to u and sorry to hear tat.
Cancer really scary to me now, we muz alwiz take care of our health.
Life is weak sumtimes aprreciate it, make every second in ur life as meaningful as u can, do the things that u think is right, tell de appropriate things and true things can cause ur life happier, dont ever live in hatred, is hard and dont ever be fake is hard, i really pity to those who hate, who fake, and those who like to talk bad behind others, pity them but forgive them, sometimes they dint mean it, it is juz how they learn and developed since they were young. Forgive them, sometime u can learn more from them. Becuz i learn a lot too.I really mean it, dont hate anyone besides u, learn more to forgive.....
Posted by Miss Q at 3:49 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Live dont leave
Izzit so hard to live on???????? yeah i admit it, is hard to live on, continue life that s miserable, hard and tough.
What to do, we were born and we choosed to stay, just stay. Sometimes we don't hav the choice to choose to stay becuz perhaps when we cross a road, a stupid car juz bang on us and we hv to say bye bye to tis world. HMM think too much, but definitely not now as i juz sitting infront of tis laptop.
Though sometimes we have to make decision in life, as we have to. While we were holding the power to say yes or no, do or don't. It is a hard task for me deifinitely becuz there will be many pros and cons that i hv to think list down and check it up.
I alwiz think of, will i be a good leader a day as one day i might lead a company of workers or might be a bosss one day. Who knows, will i good in doing tat i wonder.Ofcourse not now, as i still on de way to it, but can it be one day???
I wan to, i hope i can and it is my ability.
There s a story about a crow, it saw an eagle caught a sheep with its crawl up to de sky, and it tried to immitated what de eagle did and it tried very hard. But in the end, it was caught by the shepherd and ended up staying de cage for the rest of its life.
This story tell us not to do sumthing that beyond ur ability.
Izzit the true that the crow can never be the eagle, sparrow can never be phoenix, do i need to believe tat. Is funny bcuz i still want to becuz that is wat i believe and that is wat i want. No matter how hard i hv to try even it ll sacrifice my entire life but i still want it.
Posted by Miss Q at 4:05 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
无聊望见了犹豫 (谁人没试过犹豫)
达到理想不太易 即使有信心 斗志却抑止
谁人定我去和留 定我心中的宇宙
梦想有日达成找到心底梦想的世界 终可见
Posted by Miss Q at 7:49 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
每当在下雨之前, 青蛙都会叫个不停好像在告诉所有人快要下雨了.......
我很喜欢雨天, 尤其是绵绵细雨, 虽然带来一点悲愁, 可是过后总会有彩虹. 人的生命中, 总会有雨过天晴吧????
记得他曾经问我, 人活着有什么意义, 其实我也不知道. 我给的答案, 是为了他, 不让他怀疑. 记得高中的埔导老事让我们看了一部影片, 描述在德国发生的人间大悲剧.......................
还有日本人狂妄的慰安妇,当时的人都在求生逃氓 ,求生意志强 ,甚至为了活, 放弃尊严. 老师问, 你爬死吗????? 当时我没回答. ( 懒的理 ).
我并不懂, 我怕死吗? ??? 我知道, 我很怕很怕活, 地球和地狱有不同吗????? 我见识了地球, 可是它很可怕. 在这里, 总会面对提心吊胆, 生老病死, 爱恨情仇......................
它美吗?? 我看不到........... 我觉得和人家所描述的地狱反而很相似.
我不明白, 当时的人为什么要逃, 为何要躲, 为何要生...
Posted by Miss Q at 7:08 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Posted by Miss Q at 2:06 AM 4 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
21st birthday wish
Posted by Miss Q at 7:12 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
对不起, 我只能默默的在替你加油, 替你祈祷............
还有可以当熊娃娃, 让你发泄吧.....................
最近的你, 心情很低落................
我看到的, 可是很无能为力
将来, 你一定会出色
是人才, 你会做的到的
Posted by Miss Q at 4:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Grandpa, i tot u ll take care of us up there, i tot u ll bless us, are u busy there??? Though i not really close wif them, i really hope all of my family live well, y u wanna take her life away. Izzit death god bringin her away............... ask him not to come near her, she s living happily enjoyin her life wif her pretty gal and handsome boy as well as her husband. They are so happy for nearly 10 years. Y u wanna take away as u gave them. Y cant they live till the end, till they become old.
I never see dad droppin his tears, never even once, but today it dripped from his eyes, i m scare, super scare, wat if the things happen to me, ll he be sadder than now. I dont wan that, i really dont hope that he ll cry, i rather he angry than he cry. I noe family is important for him though juz like they r important for me too.
Y ??? Grandpa, y she hav to go, y she hav to left her family that she built, who force her to do so, izzit the bad demon, or izzit the death god wanna take her away. Y cruel things happened??? iziit reality alwiz cruel, y?????
Y a person who live healthily can get cancer???????? Wat will happen to her children, no one can take care of them except their mother. PLSssss plssss, god plsssss, can u change the news to a fake news plssss........ can u change the reality plsss, can u make me a happy ending.
PLSSSsssss ssssssssssssssssss
Posted by Miss Q at 10:08 PM 5 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
This is wat my fren took when i ate it. Actually i was treated by them but not tryin it once but not for next time becuz after u eat u wont dare to open ur mouth until u brush ur teeth ahhahhaa. super smelly. There s a new dish at Zan mai but i do not check the name yet ahhahah, it look like a burger and is so nice till my frens feel hard to eat it ahahaha.
This is the effect that celebratin too early for the end of final ahhaaaha, i lost 8 mark already........... haizzz. Next sem, i wont do that again anyway.
Posted by Miss Q at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
We ll miss you
Akif, teacher ll miss you, thouhg i juz taught you for 8 months, i ll miss you. Why you went so suddenly??? Juz a high fever, take away ur life. Why cant you continue ur life to standard one to form one and to Uni...........
Juz six years, u had live in this world u gone earlier than teacher, though living is tough, but think of ur mum that sacrificed lot s for u. No one ever give up of u though we noe that u are weak, but at last u giv up and gone forever.
Do u choose to???? U still young, still immature to choose......
We love you and ll miss you, take care there!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Miss Q at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
My gOoD Fr!daY
OOps the pain really tortured me, paiiinnnn. I m lame now, becuz of the small tiny toe that make me suffer today. Walking to the toilet was juz harder and a longer journey to me. ( I m trying not to drink water now). Today i was so excited that i had finished up my lesson plan, and kept all the absentees' writing books to the pigeon hole, but i was over excited and accidentally kicked the side of the pigeon hole and hurt my last toe. Luckily i covered my mouth to avoid from screamin like i used to ahhaahaha. The other s teacher saw me hopping with a leg, they already knew it ahaha. Ths the 1st time i need to use the 1st aid kit which normally it was used for students. Haiizzzz, super unfortunately, the element in the 1st aid kit was expired ahahhaha.So "GOOD".
The worse things happened today was my class cancelled. Plss dont misunderstand i m so hardworkin and so desperate for the class. It actually means that the class had been postponed to next friday which i had to attend to get my courework mark and hints for my finallll. ( i really dont hope that ll happen).This useless college only know how to harass the students. HAiizz useless college with a principal hunger for money and lecturer s with lots of medical certificate. i muz be blind folded when i choose to be here.
Posted by Miss Q at 5:53 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Posted by Miss Q at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
A wheel
Hope alwiz stay within us, but achievement is too faraway...
It needed courages to been through reality for the dream to come true.
It was hidden inside de mist that we harden reach it. IS all fate for the dream to choose to let us climb up on it isnt it true????
Do we hv the choice in reality, or fortune are the one who choose us????
But not everyone that can be choosed by it.
Becuz the place is alwiz limited.
I alwiz believe that there s a reason for a person to fail, it muzbe.
But, in real life, there s a lot failure that doesnt hv any reason behind it. No matter how the ppl try, how hard they struggle, a happy ending doesnt belong to them.
M I Wrong????? i wish to noe, can U tell me?? Can U???
I m afraid of failure, i tryin not to.
But the road i taken is not as smoothly as i wanted.
I scare i ll lost my courage to move on one day
becuz i knew how hard a life can be, i already knew.
It made me weaker day by day. I need strength for my dream to come true.
I need strength to stand up again whenever U make me fall from the stairs,
I need strength to fight against the odds that U gave me,
I need strength to reach the destination.
I wont stop even U make me to
I wont cry even U hurt me sumtimes
I wont afraid of the difficulties U gave me
I wont stay even U make me to
I will keep on running even U stop me to
i will still stand even U make me fall
BEcuz i not juz a wheel that controlled by U
Posted by Miss Q at 2:06 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
M I MAD???
Throwin tantrum is not a goood way of releasing anger, but i alwiz do. I juz cant control it whenever i feel annoyed especially when my mum shouted at me bout tis bout tat. I juz couldnt control it juz like she does. Haiizzz tat s why we alwiz quarrel izzit?? My wonderful day had juz ruined. I really dont like to be oredered to do sumthin when i watchin movie when ii restin n when i was doin sumthin else. I dint mean to threw tantrum but i juz dont like while i was watchin, it suppose to be my rest time the only time i hv. Now it has gone no mood to watch anymore now.
N then She is now really mad wif me showin her temper infront of me, I really get mad for tat not dare doin anythin infront of her not even dare to see her. I really really feel like goin out now. GOing anywhere which i can escape from allll this HAIIIZzzz. Boss n MUm OMG, both is enuf to ruin up my life. I really really really dont hope i m exist in tis world. I M NOT EXISt it would be better NO pain NO gain. Is flat nothin happen or forever unconcious, CAn i be tat, impossible!!!!! Dont dream bout tat!!!! I was juz the 'lucky' one to be chosen to live here hehehhe so lucky.
HEy everyone!!! All of us ll hv the same prob. once in our life. Let s fight wif it together for our Happyness CHEERS that everythin ll become better one day. Hope and dream for the nice day for us. Work hard buddy!!!!!
Remember, we can grumble but we still need to work hard to show everyone we r good we r the best becuz we hv tomolo we hv future..............................
Posted by Miss Q at 3:44 AM 1 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Is breaktime !!!!
OMG, when i ll say it out loud, i m havin a most tiring life ( not really). But for me, it does tiring. Taking two jobs ( part time) while studyin is not really a good idea. First of all it s not good when u wish to hv a break after u get home, taking a rest and feelin relieve, tat s another job waitin for u. WAKAKKAKA it s not really a good idea. Well, no choice, i was partially broke becuz of fees, shoppin fees, shoppin hahhahha. That s wat i hv to pay for ( who wan to sponser me??? ) No one, then i hv to depend on myself n my mum LOL.
But that s good to keep me away of thinkin bout u, thinkin some nonsences or thinkin some irreality things ( dreamin). Though life is tiring, is good to hv dream while u were workin unconciously, dreamssss make u awake aahahhaah. But i m tryin not to dream becuz it s cuz me headache. It has been 4 days i hvg headache, not really tortured but it make me not to concentrate. Even the most sour food cant wake me up when i was in unconcious condition.
But i m doin quite well now,
becuz i hv a secret recipe ahahhahaha .....
if u really hv a lot of work to do n exam is comin, the best way is to sleep b4 12 and wake up b4 3. IT keeps us to remember much more the things we read and get more energetic in the next mornin. But headache definitely cannot be avoided.
Wake up b4 3 n hv a cup of tea. Save more time n hv more time to finish up all the stuff but maintin our health ( hopefully) ahhahahhaahhaha
Have a break, and hv a cup of tea..............
NEVER RUIN UR LIFE WIF TIRENESS becuz we came here to LOOk For HaPPineSS
Posted by Miss Q at 7:12 AM 5 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Creative Class
Wooww, everyone think tat s a interestin class but not for me.. Is borin n meaningless class for me. Haiizzz especially becuz i really dislike sewing n then drawin especially makin story book. i hav to struggle to come out wif an idea but my mind is totally empty. Caant think of anythin for the story book, hope tat my sis was here... She is really good in drawin haiiizz though i was her sis but not good in it at all aahahha ( diff genetic). Heaaaddache but hv to do it anyway.
So sleepppyyyy, today woke up super early to compamy my mum to the mornin market ahahaha then the most funny thing happened in the market was i cant keep close to my mum n then i got lost ahahhahahaah. But she should noe i m holdin a lot of things n then cant catch up her pace sooo unfair n after tat hv to get scolded by her too. Mornin market hv too many ppl. IS hard to see where was she n then catch up loooolll.
Stomach pain the whole day edy, dunno y n then feell dizzy n headache now. It make me think of a song ( old McDonald has a farm). ---- Old little wq very pain yee ya yeee ya o. Here pain there pain everywhere pain pain .. Old little wq very pain yee ya yee ya o........... Nice soong rite??
i cant believe i m 21 tis year so sad my sweet 18 happy 19 n adventurous 20 goin to endddd ( 2 n a half month more) i really really wish the day wont come true. But true is alwiz cruel, we cant escape but to face it. The way that we can change it to be a happy scene is to take care of our health our skin our body.................. everythin!!!!
NEVER LET Our AGE TO DECIDE OUR LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We hav
Bio Yung,
Lo Hong Ga hmmm
NEW YORK n then
SK 2 n then we hv
Brands n then
Herbal life
old grandmother way
to keep us young.
So take care galsss ( oopss i forgot Vitamin M-- money)
Posted by Miss Q at 7:17 AM 5 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tis the 2nd time i hv bitten by centipede, i hate it and quite pain, the centipede is like 10cm long went into the bathroom while i was takin bath ( tryin to peep me but it have no eyes luckily ahhaa) so bad maybe it juz too love me ( jokin) n it climb to my foot and bite me ( it hated me) so baddd!!! Another lesson for me, the first aid book haven mentioned anythin about the treatment and signs or symptoms of centipede bites OMG i hav to do research again. Y ME?? i juz dunno y those insects really like to choose me to bite or suck my blood oopsss is pain i have bitten by leech three times as i went for camp once and mountain climbing twice haiz. Each time i go, i will sure see the leech under my foot sucking my blood after i take off my shoes so bad i hated leech too though it wont frightened me but it really irritate me haizzz. PLSSS STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!! Now the problem is does the centipede poisonous?? Yes it is but it is not not toxic enuf to be deadly like snakes do. Normally u ll see swellin on the place it bites, since the swell is not there i consider tis centipede is not a toxic becuz it is not tat big juz leave it so lol.........
PLSSSS dont come near me again!!!!!! ( to all the insects including mosquito i warn u if not i goin to buy bats as my pet to eat u all!!!!!! ) I ll revenge!!!!
Posted by Miss Q at 3:12 AM 4 comments
Valentine Celebration
Nice?? ahhahaah both of us made it, i made the Potatoes Salad and he made the Bacon rolled wif mushrom and the Salmon ahahaha. So happy to hv ttis successful Dinner but after we made it, dont feel like eatin it anymore. Maybe was becuz we feel hard to finish up it after workin hard of makin it hehe. Funny things is normally ppl will fried the Bacon few slices together ahhaha we fried it one by one n even the salmon oopsy we bought the wrong salmon fish at Jusco supermarket its bone was much more than its meat ahhahaha. But the Salmon is the best thing to eat for tat dinner. Is quite crispy and hmm dry and oily wakakkaa. Actually i think the potatoes was nice la juz no one noe how to enjoy it, taste it so sad after so much of work, the potatoes ( half of it) was used to feed the DUSTBIN haiz so sad sad bad bad. FINE, at least the dustbin enjoyed it and ate them all. BAAAAADDDD !!!! EHHE, the best part of the nite was after we cleaned up all the stufff sitting down relaxed and enjoy the Champange i bought. THe nite hadnt end yet, he tricked me to play a game he made after he learned Programmin eeheh I added up our birth date numbers untill it became a single number n then added up the numbers of the letters of our name Guess wat i get after tat?? IS A GRAPH SHOWIN A LOVE SHAPE have anyone did tat to gf?? i think less ppl had do tat but anyway let start it it is special and sweeeett and touching. EHEHHE
THE END OF 13 April 2009
We went to Look out Point near Pekan Ampang on Valentine nite ahaaha as we promised to ehee is really nice there and u can see the whole KL. THe scene is nice there and u probably get chill by the cold air up the hills aaha. Here s come my valentine present a rose but is almost wilt now so sad but it can be used to make a bookmark or a hmmm dried flower it ll be nice too rite? I really hope i can keep it longer or forever though tis juz the 2nd time in my life received ROSES but then but it sthe most meaningful roses i have ever received........... Missing him now eehhee
Valentine Ended get back to study now ahaa wake up wake up from dream now get back to reality aahhaha
Posted by Miss Q at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
你要的爱 我明白
But I don't know
我要的爱 会把我宠坏
Posted by Miss Q at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lost is a pain that we ll been through in our lives. My pregnant fren T Linda, just lost two babies who are juz goin to be delivered in 1 month plus time. It sure a hard time for her losting her babies. Those who read tis blog of mine, plss treasure the time the things the people and the life u have even those who made u angry, made u sad or made u hate. Life is long journey to go, possible u ll lost them the next second the next minute or the next day. Have you ever think that, treasure the time that u hv wif them before is too late, before it becomes a nostalgia of ur life. Though u might lost them one day, but u ll have the best memory that u have wif them.
I am a stupid gal that never hv appreciate what i hv, including my life my family. Quarrels are juz common among my family, but i nvr hate them, is juz sumtime i do let them down. I regret for that, wat i did i say do really hurt them, make them worry. Ya perhaps all of us hav the authorities the right to do wat we want or wish to, but the world is juz not urs. B4 u try to say sumthing or do sumthin plsss think to the person that love s u care bout u and right beside u. Is juz never the same. U r not alone in this world, there are still others around u that need u. Especially those who tried to suicide, hav u ever think that..... me too tried to end up my life b4 thinkin that life is juz a hard long way to torture us. But it isnt the same when u think of others, something or somebody do treasure and care ur life so if u dont wan it juz think of those who really wanted it care for it
Posted by Miss Q at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Brand New Gal
Reminiscene has ended, becuz is tired stucking in the past and the memory. That s the small world i should escaped from. Looking towards the future, there s still a lot of possibilities that can happened, it might be better, it might be worse. I juz watched " The Pursuit Of Happyness". Happiness is juz a noun that probably happen in our life. Quotes by Thomas Jefferson " Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Happiness is juz the thing that we can pursuit, we might not have it. But no one can ever take ur happinees away from u, it s the thing that we work for, we look for and we wait for.
From now on, the journey willl be started, to pursuit the happiness i alwiz want for. For dream, for hope, for family, and for tommorrow. I have to work harder and harder not juz to study but everything. Becuz i have a dream, though everyone telling me even my mum telling me tat s impossible, but i believe it i can do it becuz i wan it.
Reminiscene is juz showing the gal who r naive now on her life ll be changed....
The part of life being naive has ended, the new part of life has beginning. NO more CRIES, No more GRUMBLES, No more COMPLAINTS and No more NAIVE
Posted by Miss Q at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
该从那里开始形容她呢? 其实, 我不恨她, 并不讨厌她, 我该谢她, 有个讨人厌的嘴巴, 让我懂得去面对, 成长. 我很害怕她, 曾经是, 可现再, 不会了. 习惯就好...... 妈常告诉我, 病从口入,祸从口出, 像她那样, 祸是迟早的. 所以别怕了, 要面对的是数不尽的. 学习去面对人家的言语, 人家的虚言,人家的假. 笑里藏刀, 很真的, 很实在. 暗箭要防, 该防, 可是不该的去打草惊蛇. 这个社会, 就会有让人提心掉胆的生活. 不错吧..............
她确实好恐怖, 真真的确确实实的认识她, 才会觉的她有多可怕. 知道吗?? 她的嘴巴, 会让人生败名烈, 让人反目成仇, 厉害吧???? 我还是该提防.
Posted by Miss Q at 4:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Posted by Miss Q at 6:12 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
A start
So happy to talk to her again, at least for more than half an hour i chatted wif her last nite, thx god, finally we hv a good start and a nice talk...... hopefully there s no enmity btwn us, we r not at the begining but dunno y we hv the same thought that both of us are tryin tO avoid from each other, though i noe she my still afraid that i was those fake.. but time ll tell everythin i believe bout tat........ at least we hv a good start. Muaahahhahaha now i m a treasurer again to my school only committee ahahaha, super funny but i ll still do my job well tryin to do well hoopefuly it wont affect my career and my study. Summore tats the 2nd time i be a treasurer so i think it wont be hard task for me then ohohohoho luckily the money that we save the assistant treasurer ll keep so i hv no worry bout loosin the money ahaha thx god to hv a assistant treasurer that can be trusted ahaha. Last semester i hv a super yulks result from 3.5 dropped to 3.29 , wow tat s terrible feel like tearing the result from the board that show it wakakkaka no As ttis time so sad, i knew it, i cant do well becuz i hv a tired n unhappy semester, but i got over it finally, the new sem start, though the sub topic that we hv now is prob tougher and the lecturer for the first aid class is really ****** n i m much more busier now so wat to do is juz to struggle harder and shut up and work hard..............
Posted by Miss Q at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
1st day preschool
wakakakkakakaka, i hv a very very special student, she s a Negro mix with Malay, and she is super super cute. Wow, though she is in three years of age but then oh i measured her weight
( obese ) suprisingly, 31 KG. A three years old child, 31 KG, but luckily she is an independent gal. As usual, the 1st week of the school, u can heard a lot of crying babies especially for age 3 and 4.
Wow this year we hav a super smart and charming little boys named Adam. Ehehhee but not my student... He has a really attractive look. Then who else, 1st day of school, weirdy students sure a lot, but then they were all cute and need guidance for sure to acclimatize the new surrounding wakakka. But really cannot take it easy, not only becuz of the students, but as well as the NGOK NGAK.
Well our preschool is not tat big and spatial enuf to squeezed wif parents, until the teachers hv to keep on say " excuse me", "sorry", and then " excuse me" .........................., wow continue wif cryin babies wow, a tough day but ehehehe challengin to comfort the child ahaha, huggin them and finally they listen to u, not to cry n then start playin n mix around wif frens. Super happy ^.^
Posted by Miss Q at 5:43 AM 1 comments
原来, 他需要的是一个开导他的人, 很庆幸的, 我能让他笑了。 一开始, 我真的以为他变了, 不在是
以前的他。 虽然他的她,也许不是那么的爱他, 可她成了他的斗志, 他开始学英语了, 真的好开
心, 他会有那样的动力。 但她的一言一语能变化他的情绪, 很担心,如过或万一他们的这段感情
吹毁了, 他能承受的了吗? 回想过去,我曾经也是他,认识我的,都该觉得我很懦弱。 我不会在是, 而且很希望身边的人,都不要在是以前的我。
从前一个很爱哭的女孩, 带给很多人麻烦的女孩。 她哭累了, 弱的累了, 她要改变成一个不哭的铁人或一个带给人欢笑的小丑, 她人生还该有理想,她远离了自卑, 相信自己能做到。她很希望他同样能做到, 不是为了谁, 是为了自己, 还有瞧不起自己的人。
Posted by Miss Q at 5:09 AM 0 comments