Tis the 2nd time i hv bitten by centipede, i hate it and quite pain, the centipede is like 10cm long went into the bathroom while i was takin bath ( tryin to peep me but it have no eyes luckily ahhaa) so bad maybe it juz too love me ( jokin) n it climb to my foot and bite me ( it hated me) so baddd!!! Another lesson for me, the first aid book haven mentioned anythin about the treatment and signs or symptoms of centipede bites OMG i hav to do research again. Y ME?? i juz dunno y those insects really like to choose me to bite or suck my blood oopsss is pain i have bitten by leech three times as i went for camp once and mountain climbing twice haiz. Each time i go, i will sure see the leech under my foot sucking my blood after i take off my shoes so bad i hated leech too though it wont frightened me but it really irritate me haizzz. PLSSS STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!! Now the problem is does the centipede poisonous?? Yes it is but it is not not toxic enuf to be deadly like snakes do. Normally u ll see swellin on the place it bites, since the swell is not there i consider tis centipede is not a toxic becuz it is not tat big juz leave it so lol.........
PLSSSS dont come near me again!!!!!! ( to all the insects including mosquito i warn u if not i goin to buy bats as my pet to eat u all!!!!!! ) I ll revenge!!!!
4 years ago
Hey there , Hann yaw here . i had link your blog di . Feel free to link my blog too , http://jren-fusion.blogspot.com/ hehe
lol here your chance to apply first aid practically!
Hey , u had been tagged . lol =)
before oo my dear!!
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