Sunday, June 21, 2009


无聊望见了犹豫 (谁人没试过犹豫)
达到理想不太易 即使有信心 斗志却抑止
谁人定我去和留 定我心中的宇宙
梦想有日达成找到心底梦想的世界 终可见

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


每当在下雨之前, 青蛙都会叫个不停好像在告诉所有人快要下雨了.......
我很喜欢雨天, 尤其是绵绵细雨, 虽然带来一点悲愁, 可是过后总会有彩虹. 人的生命中, 总会有雨过天晴吧????
记得他曾经问我, 人活着有什么意义, 其实我也不知道. 我给的答案, 是为了他, 不让他怀疑. 记得高中的埔导老事让我们看了一部影片, 描述在德国发生的人间大悲剧.......................
还有日本人狂妄的慰安妇,当时的人都在求生逃氓 ,求生意志强 ,甚至为了活, 放弃尊严. 老师问, 你爬死吗????? 当时我没回答. ( 懒的理 ).

我并不懂, 我怕死吗? ??? 我知道, 我很怕很怕活, 地球和地狱有不同吗????? 我见识了地球, 可是它很可怕. 在这里, 总会面对提心吊胆, 生老病死, 爱恨情仇......................

它美吗?? 我看不到........... 我觉得和人家所描述的地狱反而很相似.

我不明白, 当时的人为什么要逃, 为何要躲, 为何要生...

Sunday, June 7, 2009


林薇青, 终于你长大了, 今年21 , 好快喔, 转眼间已经活了21 年, 赚了21年的生命.
谢谢天谢谢地, 谢谢爸妈, 让我埃过了21 年. 很希望能够有更多的21年, 让我走下去.
今天时21岁07天, 感觉还是一样. 无无聊聊的走过了21年07天.
不过还好, 最起码, 这些年来都没做过危害人类的事情. 算成功吧,
而且也算乖了21年, 从没逃学, 或不回家.
我的生活向来都是晴天, 就是自己太爱雨天然后呢,
就偶尔下下雨. 不过彩虹最后都还是出现. 可是大了, 雨天越来越少,
真想回到过去, 过回没烦恼有雨天的生活, 挽回雨天,
也不在讨厌雨天. 因为, 偶尔能下下雨, 感觉很不错,
很想是个长不大的小孩, 还可以在草原奔跑, 生活, 真的很无聊无趣,
记得以前, 还能在运动会的7 个奖, 现在老了, 一百米,
根本就累死人的运动, 小孩的体力走了, 病痛全部来了. 该是时候运动了.............

Thursday, June 4, 2009

21st birthday wish

I hv no idea wat to wish for, becuz the more i wish, the more i feel disappointed. I hd learned not to hope or wish anythin but juz do wat i hv to.... Tat s all

As usual everyone will hv to make a wish before they blow the candle on the cake, but then i was afraid to make any wish. I hv no confident, i m scare loosing, i m afraid of disappointed. While others were singing Birthday song, i was wondering, wat should i wish for............. nothing

Becuz i not sure whether the things i wish ll come true one day.

Izzit a muz that everyone should make a wish before blowing the candle, cutting the birthday cake, if it is a muz, i hv already break the rule, the traditional rule, becuz my mind my heart was empty at the moment that everyone asked me to make the wish. I did close my eyes and pretend that i was making a wish, but i wasnt at all. I dont even dare to wish for sum1 else becuz i was afraid to face another disappointment.

Sorry for everyone that wished me for my 21st birthday, i wasted it. Many things in my life that taught me not to wish not to dream not to hope for anythin.

But luckily and fortunately i hv a nice sweet unforgetable or memorable 21st birthday.

Thank GOd i hv him,

Thank God i hv my family with me

Thank God U dint bring any misfortune to me on that day

The happiest thing that happened on my birthday was eating he baked cake. It wasnt really delicious, but it was nice. I noe how important i m to u at least. Though it made him tired but he still managed to baked it for me. HAhhahha but it melt at last so sad....................

The smoke salmon pizza from Italianies...... He kept his promise that he ll bring me there and finally he brought me there to hv a nice nice nice dinner with cocktail and ......................

Continue with my present, wat i got from him???

LOt s ppl wondering ahhahaaa asked me???

GUESS IT !!!!!!

A bracelet from Thomas Sabo, it hv a no 21 with it so nice but really feel hard to wear it hhahaha becuz i scare i ll brake it, i m such careless gal but

I promise i wont brake it.