Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good Bye

We ll alwiz be wif you no matter how far u are.

We ll never never ever forget u, no matter where u are, u ll stay inside our memory forever.

We ll stay happily for ur sake too as we know tat s wat u want us to be

We ll try our best to fufill ur wishes

Take Care up there and see u there.............

Good Bye forever


真的没想过, 人生可以那样的短暂, 出乎意料, 它可以如此的垂落。就在昨天, 她终于抵挡不过癌的攻击辞世了。 她离开了世界, 离开了亲人还有离开了她的身躯. 爷爷带她走了吧, 可姑姑可需要白头人送黑头人很伤心吧。 短短的三十多年结束了, 再也不会看到她了. 最遗憾的没如看不到她最后的笑容, 因为她是带着痛苦离开的 : 化疗的痛, 针刺的痛, 还有病痛陪她走了. 入土的是瘦瘦苍白的她, 还有不甘的她. 为何癌细胞会选择了她, 可一切都迟了,不能够再回头了. (是命运)

命中注定, 我们不能改变. 该发生的事终究会发生, 要怎样改变呢???
改变不了, 可我们要学会去避免。
健康是时间, 是金钱, 是成功, 是一切。 因为没了健康, 我们会少了时间去赚钱, 去成功甚至去努力。 日常生活中, 我们最需要的用品是健康的身体才能完成一切。 人生虽然说没有长生不老, 但是也少不了活到老, 健康到老。 上天赐的, 我们该去珍惜,去把握。 人的生命一点也不草率,只要会活,活的精彩,努力度过每天,哪怕没了明天。
可以任命, 但千万别认输

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trip and visit

Juz back from a two days Port Dickson and Malacca trip. Supposely, i ll be tired and very excited after de trip but after visiting her, no more laughter no more excitement mood.
She is getting weaker and weaker, i think no one else can save her except miracle that most prob not appear we juz waiting for the time to take her away.
God plssss god i beg u plsss dont torture her plsss.....
U can either take her life away or let her stay healtily plsssss, make a decision now plsss...........

She s cold sometimes hot, sometimes weak and sometimes painnnnnnn. Is pain to see her in tat condition, plsss God i noe there s no one can save her life juz let her go reduce her pain plssss..... I noe U r busyin blessin and lookin others but plss take sumtime to look after her juz a decision can let her avoid the painess of Cancer plsss help her...................

Friday, August 21, 2009


Finally. it s over and i m free now to read my eclipse my HArry Potter and study my JApanese. Wow feel so relieve as i can rest for an empty scedule week (oops almost forgot my PD trip ahahha). Really really hope there will be a much more happier new semester but till now there s no hope for that so juz wait and see. I really dunno how to solve this kind of relation and then i rather not to solve it since it should be solven not juz by me. LET IT BE!!!!!

I m hungry now stuck in my super lousy college after my exam waitin for other candidates to be done and back with them by bus after that with KTM. That s life, MY LIFE now.

I hav three wishes in my new semester

1st A new CAR hopefully i can get it not really hv to be very nice, but juz make sure that it wont break down eaasily and really really can save petrol. NOT EXPENSIVE at all.

2nd i wish to shop for my new semester CLOTHES, but really hav financial problem now as i goin to broke ahahhaha

3rd wishes is to hav a group members which is fix and i can co operate with them well ahahahha as i not so good in Social Skill.

Can i wish for one more plssss??????
oh yes u can ( getting mad )

I wish i can live peacefully and end my college life faster.................

Guan Yin niang niang plsss help me !!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


因为他, 开始学会关怀
因为他, 懂得付出
因为他, 音符不再悲伤
可因为他, 有了害怕
当天, 我最想知道, 他许下的五个愿望, 原以为能插20 根蜡烛, 可是雪糕能力有限, 只能让他有5 个愿望, 对不起.........

Sunday, August 9, 2009


人生有选择吗???? 到了临死关头, 别无选择了, 为何没有长生不老呢???? 生命的可贵, 我到了现在才发现, 可对我而言, 我发现的早, 还有时间挽留, 还没成了遗憾. 还记得老陈的辩论比赛, 当时我在想长生不老, 是不应该, 人不该贪生怕死, 因为还有更多的小生命能有机会目睹这世界.
可我终于了解到, 它的重要.
并不是害怕死, 而是怕遗憾, 长生不老, 能挽留很多很多的遗憾. 人生中的缺陷, 也能就此被缝补.
我很害怕, 当我想挽留的时候太迟, 不是因为当时不懂的珍惜, 而是没有多出的两个小时让我们去珍惜, 到最后成为了遗憾, 已经太迟了.
从前的我, 觉得人生只不过是场梦, 可它不该是梦, 事实上也不是一常梦. 因为梦一旦醒了, 一切也许还在, 人生结束了, 一切都会没了, 没的挽留, 没的回头, 没的重演, 没的重梦.
人能珍惜多少, 能有多少, 明天事明天懂, 也许就在明天意外发生, 一切结束了.
所以, 从头到尾, 我们就没了选择,因为命的长短, 全都由死神判断.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


dy so sorry i cant make it to ur mum s funeral, but really hope u r fine now, i sent msgs to u but i cant get ur replies, hope u really ok, i know it is a hard time for u, but i really really reall really hope u ll be fine, i dunno wat else i can say, muz take care of ur health plssss, u still have a lot of works to do ur dream to go.... u r strong i noe tat, keep up ur mum ll bless u, she loves u no matter where she is, she just went far far away to a happyland sorry, really sorry, i hope i can be there with u to at the funeral, i hope i can listen to u too, i wan u be happy be fine, and stay strong, i m ur jie so plsss listen to me k?

all the while i juz can say so, i m useless to u either, but i really hope u r good sorry for not attending the funeral really sorry i really want to go but i cant sorry reallly sorry to u and sorry to hear tat.
Cancer really scary to me now, we muz alwiz take care of our health.
Life is weak sumtimes aprreciate it, make every second in ur life as meaningful as u can, do the things that u think is right, tell de appropriate things and true things can cause ur life happier, dont ever live in hatred, is hard and dont ever be fake is hard, i really pity to those who hate, who fake, and those who like to talk bad behind others, pity them but forgive them, sometimes they dint mean it, it is juz how they learn and developed since they were young. Forgive them, sometime u can learn more from them. Becuz i learn a lot too.I really mean it, dont hate anyone besides u, learn more to forgive.....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Live dont leave

Izzit so hard to live on???????? yeah i admit it, is hard to live on, continue life that s miserable, hard and tough.

What to do, we were born and we choosed to stay, just stay. Sometimes we don't hav the choice to choose to stay becuz perhaps when we cross a road, a stupid car juz bang on us and we hv to say bye bye to tis world. HMM think too much, but definitely not now as i juz sitting infront of tis laptop.
Though sometimes we have to make decision in life, as we have to. While we were holding the power to say yes or no, do or don't. It is a hard task for me deifinitely becuz there will be many pros and cons that i hv to think list down and check it up.

I alwiz think of, will i be a good leader a day as one day i might lead a company of workers or might be a bosss one day. Who knows, will i good in doing tat i wonder.Ofcourse not now, as i still on de way to it, but can it be one day???
I wan to, i hope i can and it is my ability.

There s a story about a crow, it saw an eagle caught a sheep with its crawl up to de sky, and it tried to immitated what de eagle did and it tried very hard. But in the end, it was caught by the shepherd and ended up staying de cage for the rest of its life.

This story tell us not to do sumthing that beyond ur ability.
Izzit the true that the crow can never be the eagle, sparrow can never be phoenix, do i need to believe tat. Is funny bcuz i still want to becuz that is wat i believe and that is wat i want. No matter how hard i hv to try even it ll sacrifice my entire life but i still want it.